Adventure Motorcycle Riding

Only a motorcycle rider knows why a dog hangs his head out the window.

The adventure begins when you don’t know where you’re going.

Starting this off with a couple of obligatory selfies.

As you can see I frequently indulge in taking what is now known as a selfie. Years ago when I began photographing myself they were called self portraits. Anyway, I believe most of us enjoy the practice.

On the way to Bear Canyon at the base of Barboquivari Peak, Arizona. Baboquivari Peak is the most sacred place to theTohono O’odahan people. It is the center of the Tohono O’odham cosmology and the home of the creator, L’itoi. According to tribal legend, he resides in a cave below the base of the mountain. No one was home when I arrived. December 17, 2020.

Upon arriving in Death Valley we made a brief stop at Dante’s View for the overlook across the valley.

Death Valley view.

The end of another summer season and back on the rode.